App Development Training Courses

App Developer Training Perth

Looking for an app development course? At Adapptor we partner with Digital.Mastery to deliver courses with bite. Our devs have felt the pain, and want to help you avoid it. Whether you’re just starting out, looking to upskill, or hunting specialised knowledge, we have you covered.

App developer courses


Our training courses are facilitated through our training partner Digital.Mastery.

With decades of experience in pure app development—full stack and full lifecycle—we’ll get you across Native, Flutter, React Native, Swift, Kotlin, Go, Node, Cloud and more.

Learn from the best

12+ Years Experience

On-site hands-on education

No webinars, no Q&A-through-a-straw. Nothing but pure in-person, detailed and dedicated hands-on training.

Tailored to your experience

Just starting out? Our fundamentals courses are for you. Already experienced? Go deeper with our Masterclass series.

You’ll leave with an app

On completing your course, along with detailed course notes, you’ll leave with a functioning app.

We’ll come to you

Too lazy? Need specific help? Our team will join you in the trenches, and coach you as you tackle any particular challenges.

Adapptor Delivers

Don’t take our word for it. Here are some kind words about working with us.

“Adapptor has worked closely alongside Wilson Parking in the delivery of multiple services and apps that are now critical to Wilson Parking infrastructure. Adapptor has been a pleasure to work with across all engagements, particularly their professionalism and dedication to providing the best quality products.”

— Mark Johnson, Chief Product Officer, Wilson Parking


Here are some answers to common questions asked about training.

  • To become an app developer, you’ll need a combination of formal education, specialised training, and hands-on experience. Here’s a roadmap to guide your journey:

    1. Educational Background: While it’s not totally necessary, a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field provides a strong foundation. These courses cover programming concepts, algorithms, data structures, and other essential topics—and often it’s this knowledge that can set you apart.

    2. Specialised Training: Depending on the platform you’re aiming to develop for, you'll need specific training:

    Android App Development: Familiarise yourself with Java or Kotlin, and learn to use Android Studio, Google’s official development environment.

    iOS App Development: Gain proficiency in Swift or Objective-C, and get comfortable with Apple’s Xcode IDE.

    3. Practical Experience: Want to be a writer? Write. Want to be in the NBA? Shoot hoops. Want to be a brain surgeon? ... this analogy falls down, but the point remains. There’s no substitute for doing.

    Build your own apps. Start with simple projects to understand the development cycle and gradually move to more complex ones. Make something you want to use.

    Join a tech company as an intern to gain real-world experience and exposure to large-scale app development. Employers love initiative.

    4. Continuous Learning: The tech world evolves rapidly. Platforms introduce new features, languages get updated, and user preferences change. Keep your skills sharp by attending workshops, meet-ups, webinars, and app development courses. (We hear good things about Digital.Mastery 😉)

    5. Soft Skills: Technical prowess is essential, but soft skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork are equally important in a collaborative environment. If you want to improve in this area, take an interest in the people around you. Ask questions, and resist that temptation to straight-up tell them what you know.

    6. Professional Certifications: While not obligatory, certifications can validate your expertise. All of the big players offer some kind of certification. Google offers an Associate Android Developer certification, Apple has its own set of certifications for developers, and so too, the Cloud providers like Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure.

    Remember, while formal training provides foundational knowledge, the app development world values practical experience and a demonstrable portfolio just as much, if not more. Dedicate time to self-learning, stay updated with industry trends, and never stop coding.

  • The time it takes to become an app developer can vary wildly depending on many factors—where you start, your natural aptitude, dedication and attention to detail, learning resources, and the depth of expertise sought. The good news is that coding isn’t magic; it’s a craft, and like any craft, the more you put in, the more you’ll get out. Here’s a general timeline:

    1. Basic Programming Fundamentals (3-6 months): If you’re starting with no knowledge of programming, you’ll first need to understand the basics. This includes concepts like variables, loops, functions, and data structures. Languages like Python or JavaScript are often recommended for beginners due to their relatively simple syntax. Our app developer courses at Digital.Mastery can help. (We’re good at de-jargoning jargon like this, too.)

    2. Specialisation in a Platform (6-12 months): Once you get a feel for dev, you’ll want to move beyond Hello World! and toy samples, and build something real that can run in your browser, or on your phone. That’s where platforms come in.

    Android: Learn Java or Kotlin and get familiar with Android Studio and the Android SDK.

    iOS: Dive into Swift or Objective-C, and understand the nuances of Apple's Xcode IDE.

    During this phase, you’ll delve into platform-specific concepts like UI design principles, data storage, and platform-specific APIs, which give you access to the good stuff—the internet, camera, location, and all the essentials of modern apps.

    3. Or Specialise in a Cross-Platform Framework (6-12 months): Learning a specific platform can be great to understand fundamentals, but learning a cross-platform framework such as React Native or Flutter has a lot of advantages. It will help you release your app across both iOS and Android faster, and will probably help you keen sane while you do it 🧠🔨

    3. Building Real-World Projects (6-12 months): Theory and practice are two different realms. You’ll truly grasp app development by building your own projects. Start with simple apps, and as your confidence grows, move on to more complex projects or even collaborate with others. Pro tip: build an app that you want to use. Motivation is half the game.

    4. Continuous Learning and Mastery (Ongoing): Technology, platforms, and user preferences are always evolving. Even after getting a job or launching your first app, continuous learning is crucial to stay relevant. Some might view this as a chore, but the dynamic nature of the tech landscape is part of what makes it exciting. Software might be eating the world, but we don’t have to let it eat our lunch 💪

    Total Estimated Time: For many, becoming a competent app developer takes 1 to 2 years of consistent learning and hands-on practice. But mastery or specialising in niche areas, like Artificial/Virtual Reality or advanced game development, can take longer. Remember: everyone’s learning pace is different. Some might reach proficiency quicker through intensive bootcamp programs, while others might take a longer, more self-paced route. The key is consistency and dedication to the craft.